Grass Valley (2)

Game Name: Snowboard Kids

md5sum: 02c770b967b6aeab785602e9a24f437a


Added by: Black_Wing  Added: 2004-12-25

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 06/22/2004 13:32:40

Uploaded by:  (Sam Wolff)
Proxied for:

Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Snowboard Kids
Song Title: Grass Valley (2)
Sequenced by: Sam Wolff
Other Information: Recently I've been listening a lot to this track, and felt I ought to spend a little time making it my own.
This should sound good on all major MIDI devices - SBLive! 4MB, MS GS Wavetable and Yamaha XG.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 22
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Sequence  Sam Wolff

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
N64 - Snowboard Kids
N64 - Snowboard Kids
Grass Valley
Composed by ???
Sequenced by: Sam  Bass
Synth Brass 2
Saw Wave
Poly Synth
Echo A
Echo B
Piano 3
Honky Tonk
Electronic Drums
Echo Drops
Clean Guitar A
Clean Guitar B
Clean Guitar C
Clean Guitar D