Game Name: Tails Adventures
md5sum: 08d4a7be2219e824838ef7da9bb993a7 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Mark Jansen Added: 2001-12-25 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 10/18/2001 21:16:12 Uploaded by: (John Weeks) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sega Game Gear Game Name: Tails Adventures Song Title: Poloy Forest Sequenced by: John Weeks Information: Midi TrackName Analysis: This MIDI was sequenced and is owned by John Weeks [2001]; the original version of this song is 1995 by SEGA [tk1] Lead 1 (square) [tk2] Lead 1 (square) [tk3] Lead 1 (square) [tk10] Percussion [Jazz Kit] Poloy Forest (Tails Adventure) Sequenced by: John Weeks Finished: 10.18.01 E-mail: or