Festival Temple Castle: Part C - "Use the Ice Kunai on the Fox's Fire" (XG)

Game Name: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

md5sum: 235c3d9b56bb9f90915008768c6bd654



Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2007-08-27

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/MNSGFestTempCXG.mid
Upload Date and Time: 10/25/2006 19:06:33

Uploaded by:  (Jayster)

Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Song Title: Festival Temple Castle: Part C - "Use the Ice Kunai on the Fox's Fire" (XG)
Sequenced by: Jayster
Song Originally Composed by: Shigeru Arabi, Kato Yusuke, Saiko Miki, Yusumasa Kitagawa
Other Information: XG is highly advised. Recording of this midi at http://www.freewebs.com/the_jayster

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 17
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Mystic Ninja Starring Goemon Festival Temple Castle: Part C (XG) by Jayster
Percussive Organ (Chords)
Muted Electric Guitar (Background)
Muted Electric Guitar (Background)
Sawtooth Lead (Melody)
Fretless Bass (Bassline)
Synth Strings 1 (Melody)
Synth Strings 1 (Melody Transposed)
Trumpet (Melody Right)
Trumpet (Melody Left)
Muted Electric Guitar (Background Echo)
Sawtooth Lead (Melody Echo)
Synth Strings 1 (Melody Echo)
Synth Strings 1 (Melody Transposed Echo)
Percussive Organ (Chords Layer)
Pick Electric Bass (Bassline Layer)