Area 9 Boss

Game Name: Dragon Spirit: The New Legend

md5sum: 3fab2254cfd8e086046b28963b852d9a
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Added by: Suds  Added: 2007-01-04

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Upload Date and Time: 02/19/2005 23:34:11

Uploaded by:  (Joseph Collins)

Game System: Nintendo
Game Name: Dragon Spirit: The New Legend
Song Title: Area 9 Boss
Sequenced by: Joseph Collins
Song Originally Composed by: Rich Kiyosi
Other Information: I might be convinced to make a MIDI of the of the arcade version of this song some time. . .  Maybe.  Who knows.  Anything's possible.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 12
Delta Time Setting: 96

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Dragon Spirit(Famicom Version):  Drawing Ever Closer. . .
Originally by Rich Kiyosi
This MIDI by Joseph Collins
"If you've ever played the Famicom/NES version of this game, then
you know it did wonders with the original Arcade soundtrack.  Lots
of wonderous wonders indeed.  I mean, the Arcade version sounded
great and all, but I think the Famicom version sounds a lot better
than the Arcade interpretations.  The Arcade version was just too
upbeat for this game's atmosphere.  Of course, I could just be
biased.  I played the NES version first, afterall."
2005 Joseph Collins