Select a File (3)

Game Name: Super Mario 64

md5sum: 4313b553f192f991ea5349d296d61a25


Added by: Princess Peach Toadstool  Added: 1999-01-22

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Uploaded by:  (DoctorJ)

Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Super Mario 64
Song Title: Select a File (3)
Sequenced by: DoctorJ  Information: HEY.My first upload of this file didn't quite soundright.  I fixed the tambourine so it should bealmost perfect now. Isn't that SWELL?  Hurrah! Or something.__________________________________________________  MysticOne 0_0  -LOOOOOOK INTO MY EYES....HaplessFool ^_^  -um.... OK!  MysticOne 0_0  -u r getting very sleepy...HaplessFool @_@  -Oh no! What should i do, Doc?  MysticOne '_'  -uh... would ya just look into                   my eyes, dude?HaplessFool ^_^  -Oh... OKAY!  MysticOne 0_0  -U R GETTING VERY SLEEEEEEPY...HaplessFool *_*  -very... slee... py...  MysticOne 0_0  -Exactly three weeks, one day, and                   six hours from now, u will awaken                  having extraordi--HaplessFool -_-  -ZZZzzz.....  MysticOne '_'  -Hey bitch! i wasn't done yet!!HaplessFool -_-  -ZZZzzzzz.....  MysticOne '_'  -.....oh well...his loss...__________________________________________________NEXT MIDI:OGREBATTLE - "Wall of Defense"Now that's one seriously awesome song...EVERYBODY, PLAY OGREBATTLE 3 ASAP!!!

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