Zanzibar Breeze (3)

Game Name: Metal Gear 2

md5sum: 46b01c4a158c2e6545e588278506b2b6
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Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2008-02-04

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 02/08/2006 17:30:49

Uploaded by:  (Remington Steele)

Game System: MSX
Game Name: Metal Gear 2
Song Title: Zanzibar Breeze (3)
Sequenced by: llves
Song Originally Composed by: Kazuki Muraoka & Norihiko Hibino
Other Information: Hello! This midi is the 'Prologue' to MG2: Solid Snake. Many of you hardcore fans of the series will recognize it and thoroughly enjoy it. "llves" did an excellent job sequencing it. He gets full credit for his work on it. llves e-mail =  a little side note: "HEY JAY!" 

- Jim  Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 11
Delta Time Setting: 384

-Text Analysis-
MG2 SS: Prologue (1990) Sequenced by Ilves
MG2 Solid Snake: Prologue (1990) Sequenced by Ilves

-Copyright Event Analysis-
MG2 SS: Prologue (1990) Sequenced by Ilves

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
MG2 Solid Snake: Prologue (1990) Sequenced by Ilves