Game Name: Conker's Bad Fur Day
md5sum: 501a5bfc422e9320c7ed0ec66b055296's_Theme.midAdded by: Pongball Added: 2002-06-19 File URL is's_Theme.mid Upload Date and Time: 06/10/2002 07:43:58 Uploaded by: (Mark Simkins) File Type: MIDI Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: Conker's Bad Fur Day Song Title: Batula's Theme Sequenced by: Mark Simkins Information: This file was recently uploaded by someone else without acknologing that I sequenced the MIDI. A quick filesize/music/MIDI tweak (main volume etc.) comparison will make it clear that the two files are identical. For the record, I originally made this MIDI by myself. Midi TrackName Analysis: Violin Cello's Cellos DoubleBass Timps Harpsichor Brasssect Brasssect TubeBells Choir Glock