Game Name: Mario Golf
md5sum: 556264c05e7c03a0edfa6780ab959e85 by: Dave Harris Added: 2008-07-03 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 05/10/2008 14:05:16 Uploaded by: (Dentelle) Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: Mario Golf Song Title: Tournament Holes Introduction Sequenced by: Dentelle Song Originally Composed by: Motoi Sakuraba Other Information: This song appears when you see a view of a hole before playing on it in Tournament. The duration is 17 sec in the game... but I'm sure it's incomplete! [I will try to find a complete version...] -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 16 Delta Time Setting: 256 -Text Analysis- 6 & 7 Mai 2008 - Dentelle (D. Stphanie) - Sibelius 3 - -Copyright Event Analysis- (C) 1999 Nintendo / Camelot Software Planning -Midi TrackName Analysis- Mario Golf 64 - Tournament Holes Introduction Drum Kit Drum Kit Oboe Charang (Thme) New age Pad (cho) Bass Guitar Voice Voice Electric Piano Electric Piano Electric Piano Droite Electric Piano Gauche Reed Organ Synthesizer Droite (Dbut) Synthesizer Gauche (Idem)