Game Name: Mario Party
md5sum: 57fac9e797af7849734128f66b2038da by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-02-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Merit Celaire) File Type: MIDI Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: Mario Party Song Title: Option House Sequenced by: Merit Celaire Information: This is one of the typical music themes fromthe NES game "Super Mario Bros.", but jazzed up abit. The title says all -- it's heard in the OptionHouse of Mushroom Village (when you enter and whenyou're not playing any songs on the Jukebox.)Sounds really jazzy, huh? Comments welcome! :) Midi TrackName Analysis: Bass Guitar 1-B Bass Synths 1-A Bass Synths 1-B Saxophone Effects Drums 1 Drums 2 "Mushroom Village: The Option House" FROM THE GAME: Mario Party MIDI ARRANGEMENT SEQUENCED BY: Merit Celaire EMAIL COMMENTS TO: