Devil's Forest 4 - "Big Foot"

Game Name: F-Zero X Expansion Kit (Japan)

md5sum: 6b25d507c1c40d1c4aef08d69ab76e38


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2008-11-10

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 07/06/2008 22:42:24

Uploaded by:  (Christopher \\\"Nova\\\" Foss)

Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: F-Zero X Expansion Kit (Japan)
Song Title: Devil's Forest 4 - "Big Foot"
Sequenced by: Christopher "Nova" Foss
Other Information: Well, I'm not sure why this wasn't updated the first time I uploaded this fix. Anyway, here's the file again, although it's a bit redundant now, as someone else has uploaded their own Big Foot MIDI, and for the most part, it sounds superior to mine. (The Lead Guitar has pitch changes, something I've somehow still not figured out how to do).

Even though those factors exist, I would still like to upload this piece. This is now a year or so old though. I think I might update all my midis one last time in this summer, though I am now a very busy person, so I'm not 100 percent sure. For now, this song will do... or at least, the version the other person uploaded will do for now. ;>_>

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 10
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Guitar (Chords)
Guitar (Solo)
Rock Drum Kit
N64DD, F-Zero X: EXpansion Kit, Devil's Forest 4/Big Foot ~Big Foot~
Originally Composed by Taro Bando, Hajime Wakai
Sequenced by: Christopher "Nova" Foss