Creepy Castle

Game Name: Donkey Kong 64

md5sum: 6d6c41ba86125a89b6d17a9e8f359c3f


Added by: Pongball  Added: 2002-04-27

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/25/2001 11:25:13

Uploaded by:  (Dr. Fruitcake)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Donkey Kong 64
Song Title: Creepy Castle
Sequenced by: Dr. Fruitcake  Information: 

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Okay, so the "snaps" don't sound much like snapping, but it's the best I could do! :)

Creepy Castle -- from Donkey Kong 64 -- sequenced by Dr. Fruitcake