Game Name: GoldenEye 007
md5sum: 6ddcf3d2c2e0ba7f3ebaf6254e28cef8 by: Hunter-Zero Added: 2005-04-10 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 10/02/2004 16:24:40 Uploaded by: (Robert Krzeminski, \"The Funcreator\") Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: GoldenEye 007 Song Title: Surface 1 (2) Sequenced by: Robert Krzeminski Other Information: Snowy level 4, "The Surface", where N64's fog effect for distant objects fits nicely! The wind effect throughout the song on the N64 is only heard at the very beginning of this MIDI. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 29 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Text Analysis- Robert Krzeminski, "The Fun Creator" 1997 -Copyright Event Analysis- 1997 by Robert Krzeminski, "The Funcreator" -Midi TrackName Analysis- Golden Eye -- Level 4 "The Surface" Wind Effect Bell sound Bass 1 Bass 2 "Aahs" Bass Strings 1 Strings 2 BOOMs BOOM Drums E. Snare Drum Bass Drum Jingle bell sound Pedal Hi Hat Ride Cymbal Metallic "Clink" FX Noise 1 FX Noise 2 (A) FX Noise 2 (B) Guitar (A) Guitar (B) -------------------- Attempted by: Robert Krzeminski "The Fun Creator" --------------------