Game Name: Mario Tennis
md5sum: 6f6c3b198359a8692909482bd3093ab2 by: The Jade Emperor Added: 2001-02-26 File URL is Uploaded by: (Keith Koshman) File Type: MIDI Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: Mario Tennis Song Title: Credits Sequenced by: Keith Koshman Information: Quite possibly the first Mario Tennis 64 MIDI on the Internet? To my knowlege it is. This version is pretty accurate, save the little electric guitar bit in the middle of the song. I coudn't get those notes sounding right...oh well. Midi TrackName Analysis: Snyth Bass Synth Bass 2 Melody (Oboe) Trumpet Electric Guitar Sawtooth Drums Mario Tennis 64 - Credits song Sequenced by: Keith Koshman