Finale Level - "Grande Finale"

Game Name: Yoshi's Story

md5sum: 7f6f40a03bf39dbe93b0531c61bd6764


Added by: Princess Peach Toadstool  Added: 1998-09-01

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (Leopold McGinnis)

Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Yoshi's Story
Song Title: Finale Level - "Grande Finale"
Sequenced by: Leopold McGinnis
Song Originally Composed by: 

Other Information: This is one of the better songs from the game.  In fact, all the intermission songs are pretty good.  Too bad the game was so damn easy.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Sequenced by: Leopold McGinnis

June 1998

Build time: half an hour

RDespite the horrible wretchedness of Yoshi's Story as a sequel to Yoshi's Island, the music does manage to come pretty close to 
String Ensemble
Ghost level-select from Yoshi's Story
for Super Nintendo
Music by ?? (not Koji Kondo)
Sequenced by: Leopold McGinnis
June 1998  email: