Game Name: Diddy Kong Racing
md5sum: a5b35fdbcc6b019bd3e6edd8ae5442b9 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-04-18 File URL is Uploaded by: (Jarel Jones) File Type: MIDI Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: Diddy Kong Racing Song Title: Options Menu Sequenced by: Jarel Jones Information: This is the second midi I've sent to this site. I just wanted to say that, other than a few lousy sites and my own site, I've never released these midis to major sites, and internet-wise I've only released them to a few people. Hopefully everybody will like these. Midi TrackName Analysis: Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Staff Staff-1 Staff-2 Staff-3 Staff-4 Staff-5 Staff-6 Staff-7 Staff-8 Staff-9 Staff-10