Kakariko Village (Rock Remix)

Game Name: Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time

md5sum: a600447ccfb3e863cd3a63841e85b23a



Added by: Mark Jansen  Added: 2002-07-26

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/z-oot_kakariko_village_(rock_remix).mid

Upload Date and Time: 03/09/2002 19:48:46

Uploaded by:  (MuyoTofu)

File Type: MIDI

Game System: Nintendo 64

Game Name: Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time

Song Title: Kakariko Village (Rock Remix)

Sequenced by: MuyoTofu

Other Information: 

A rock remix of Kakariko Village

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Kakariko Village --- Rock Remix

lead 1

lead 2


Drums 1

Drums 2



Bass 1-1

Bass 2-1

Bass 2-2

Bass 3-1

Bass 3-2

Bass  Village --- Rock Remix