Game Name: F-Zero X Expansion Kit (Japan)
md5sum: a64397b2292893de10daec49e5a53b79 by: Pongball Added: 2002-04-23 File URL is Uploaded by: (Tony Thai) File Type: MIDI Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: F-Zero X Expansion Kit (Japan) Song Title: Sand Ocean 3 Sequenced by: Tony Thai Information: Here's a wacky song only a few have heard.This isn't too perfect but it's close enough.The reason for that is because I had to sequence this from a movie I download from IGN.There were engine, crashes, sliding, and boosting noises that try to keep me from sequencing this song.It was very hard to try to pick out the instruments and sound effects.This is a warning. This song requires two drum channels two sound perfect and the 11.7 Chaos Bank. SB live!Here's some of the FZX MP3s. Midi TrackName Analysis: Drums Weird Claves Distorton Guitar Strong Bass Bass Lead Muted Lead Weird Cuicas A high and barely audible Halo F-Zero X: Expansion Kit For the 64DD Sequenced by: Tony