Training (2)

Game Name: Perfect Dark

md5sum: b9aede7e702c99ecaa8b2c469b98c8cd


Added by: nZero  Added: 2002-10-21

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/05/2002 16:38:32

Uploaded by:  (Michael Richardson)

Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Perfect Dark
Song Title: Training (2)
Sequenced by: Michael Richardson
Other Information: 

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 14
Delta Time Setting: 96

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Michael Richardson
New in this special version!
- Changed drum kit to TR808.
- Added Xylophone voice to previous Vibraphone part.
- Added Synth. Bass 1 part to previous Mute Guitar part.
- Corrected chords on tracks 3 and 7.
- Added Chinese Cymbal to drums part round about where the Fretless Bass comes in.
- Corrected rhythm of Fretless Bass part.
- Also added bass drum rhythm in the same section.
- Corrected Choir Aahs chords from bars 46-54.
- Added loads more chords to Track 1.
- Added hi-hat to first few bars.
- Corrected tempo.
- Made a few adjustments to tracks 6 and 12.
- Changed velocities on tracks 2 and 11.
- Added a sysex binary to reset the GM system.
- Played around with most of the tracks' volumes.
- Added copyright, author and shameless advertising in the file info.

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Original theme Copyright Rareware 2000. This MIDI Copyright M.W. Richardson 2002.

-Sequence Name Analysis-
Perfect Dark Firing Range/Training Theme - Version
Sequenced with Cakewalk Home Studio 2002.
Version 1.4
Improved specially for
Version 2.0
Sequenced by
Michael Richardson
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