Forest Temple (SBLive)

Game Name: Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time

md5sum: c31200afe0257d8ad158e31064c306a6


Added by: Hunter-Zero  Added: 2004-11-25

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/10/2004 12:28:56

Uploaded by:  (Sam Wolff)
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Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time
Song Title: Forest Temple (SBLive)
Sequenced by: Sam Wolff
Song Originally Composed by: Koji Kondo
Other Information: Hi, it's been a while since I've sequenced anything, and this was a challenge so I thought I'd have a crack.
This one is for use with the SBLive! 4MB Soundfont, and also works better of the three in Quicktime, but try the other two versions to see which sounds more realistic.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 16
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Sequence  Sam Wolff

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
N64 - Zelda OoT
N64: Zelda Ocarina Of Time
'Forest Temple'
By Koji Kondo
Sequenced by: Sam Wolff
For SBLive! 4MB Synth
Timpani A
Timpani B
Timpani C
Synth Vox
Bowed Glass
Pan Flute A
Pan Flute B
Bottle Chiff A
Bottle Chiff B