Tears of Sylph

Game Name: Ys

md5sum: d5435b80e49433cd583730b7b404c144

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Added by: Suds  Added: 2002-09-06

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/T_YsVanishedSEGA_Sylph.mid
Upload Date and Time: 08/22/2002 23:42:36

Uploaded by:  (Tsu Ryu & Kusanoki Manami)

Game System: Sega Master System
Game Name: Ys
Song Title: Tears of Sylph
Sequenced by: Tsu Ryu & Kusanoki Manami
Song Original Composed by: Bo, Ippo and Neko
Other Information:    "Tears of Sylph" - Y's: Vanished Omens[ Sega Master System - Falcom of Japan 1988 ]This file has been created on the date/time:          -[ 8 . 22 . 02 ]-          -[ 11 : 41PM   ]-Email for editorial, instrument changes orupdates of my sequenced MIDI data and enjoy! ^_^

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 16
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Bo, Ippo and Neko - Falcom of Japan 1988

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
"Tears of Sylph" [ v1.05 ] -= Y's: Vanished Omen =- Sequenced to MIDI by Tsu Ryu and K. Manami
tk4 [ Sitar ]
tk7 [ Sitar Echo ]
"Tears of Sylph"
Y's: Vanished Omens
Sega Master System
Originally Composed by Bo, Ippo and Neko - Falcom of Japan 1988
Sequenced to MIDI by Tsu Ryu and Kusanoki Manami - Kibegami 2002