Game Name: Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA
md5sum: d889de62d0bd1bad71b79d52d4dd0cbf by: Pong64 Added: 2000-11-17 File URL is Uploaded by: (Ashura Demon) File Type: MIDI Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA Song Title: New York Uptown (Amiga Remix) Other Information: The first Rush 2 MIDI!!!! YAAAAAAAAYYY!!! Anyway, if you want to hear this on the Audio menu in Rush 2, choose "AMIGA-ISH" in the Music list. Midi TrackName Analysis: Bass 1 Bass 2 Drums Saw 1 Rev. Cymbal Saw 3 Saw 4 Bright Saw 5 Block Clap/Bass