Big Blue - "Decide In the Eyes" (5)

Game Name: F-Zero X

md5sum: e24febc8aec94437a0f2882fdc885ccb


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2008-11-10

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 10/17/2008 20:21:52

Uploaded by:  (King Meteor)

Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: F-Zero X
Song Title: Big Blue - "Decide In the Eyes" (5)
Sequenced by: King Meteor
Other Information: I've been wanting to sequence this song for quite some time and I finally decided to do it.
However, there are many versions of this song and I wasn't sure which one to sequence.
I kind of wanted to sequence the version in F-Zero because it's the original. But all my F-Zero sequences so far have been F-Zero X arrangements.
But since the F-Zero and F-Zero X music for Big Blue is the same, I just decided to sequence the F-Zero X version.
I think this MIDI turned out closer to the original than any of the other MIDIs I've heard.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 13
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Picked Bass (left)
Picked Bass (right)
Distortion Guitar (background)
Distortion Guitar (background) (echo)
Saw Wave
Saw Wave (echo)
Rock Organ
Rock Organ (echo)
Distortion Guitar (lead)
Percussion (Power Kit)
Distortion Guitar (lead) (echo)
"Big Blue - 'Decide In The Eyes'" from F-Zero X, sequenced by King Meteor