Grand Canyon

Game Name: Mickey's Speedway USA

md5sum: e6ba3b79475de3995995419b9709fd33


Added by: ForteBlast  Added: 2002-10-22

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 02/08/2002 21:25:23

Uploaded by:  (Erin Thweatt)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Mickey's Speedway USA
Song Title: Grand Canyon
Sequenced by: Erin Thweatt
Other Information: 

Midi TrackName Analysis:

MIDI file publishers and hardware manufacturers, such as Roland Corp. and Tune 1000 have introduced more detailed conventions fo
Song Tempo should remain within the range of 30-240bpm

MIDI Channel          Recommended Instrumentation

1                              Piano Solo (Left & Right Hand)

2                              Bass Instrument

3                              Primary Accompaniment (or for Left-hand part when using split Piano parts)

4                              Primary Melodic Instrument* (or for Right-hand part when using split Piano parts)

5                              Secondary Accompaniment

6                              Secondary Melodic Instrument

7                              Alternative 1

8                              Alternative 2

9                              Alternative 3

10                            Drums & Percussion

11                           --Reserved-- 

12                           --Reserved--

13                           --Reserved--

14                           --Reserved--

15                           --Reserved--

16                           --Reserved--

*Lyrics should be placed on Channel 4