Game Name: Kirby 64
md5sum: f09240887645796cd4e82b81e117c9d5 by: The Jade Emperor Added: 2002-06-11 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 10/28/2001 14:11:19 Uploaded by: (Merit Celaire) File Type: MIDI Game System: Nintendo 64 Game Name: Kirby 64 Song Title: Kirby's Card Collection - Enemy Info Screen Sequenced by: Merit Celaire Information: After a VERY long break from doing MIDI sequencing,I'm happy to be back with my all new MIDIarrangement from "Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards"!This BGM score is one my favorite tunes from the game,and this MIDI I did should closely resemble the original songheard in the game.Please forgive me for looping the main part of thissong 20 times before doing my 'fade-out' of thisMIDI. It's just that this song from the game ROCKS!!!In my opinion, in the game itself, this was one ofthe "best-of-the-best" songs that the originalcomposer(s) wrote for this Kirby game. I hope youall enjoy this one just as well as I enjoyedsequencing this one! :) Midi TrackName Analysis: Steel Guitar Trumpet 1 Trumpet 2 Trumpet 3 Trombone Tinkle Bell Flute Drums (main) Drums (hi-hats) Drums (bongos) Drums (fill-in) Drums (woodblock) Drums (crash cymbals) "Kirby's Card Collection (Enemy Info Screen)" FROM THE GAME: "Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards" MIDI ARRANGEMENT SEQUENCED BY: Merit Celaire EMAIL COMMENTS TO: