Tournament Mode

Game Name: Mario Tennis

md5sum: fddeadfc40db445a63ee787e6e211376


Added by:  Suds  Added:  2002-09-01

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 03/01/2002 12:31:50

Uploaded by:  (Henry Lee "Strider" Holder)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Nintendo 64
Game Name: Mario Tennis
Song Title: Tournament Mode
Other Information: Hello.  My name is Henry, and this is my first time submitting a MIDI file to this site.  I finally figured out how to work with my new "Voyetra Computer Music" program, and I wanted to start donating music.  I hope I gave you guys the proper info about my file and (dare I say it) I hope it rocks!  

Midi TrackName Analysis: