Game Name: Super Street Fighter II
md5sum: 003215ac5e25f77964bedf174f32db67 by: Dave Harris Added: 2008-02-04 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 08/31/2007 09:26:13 Uploaded by: (Brandon Smith (X)) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Super Street Fighter II Song Title: Zangief Stage Sequenced by: X Song Originally Composed by: Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe Other Information: Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). Also, there are some slight differences I made when making in this midi version. The Hand-Clap instrument has been replaced with the much more preferable Ride Cymbal. Also, this version is literally supposed to end at 1:49 and a few ending notes were changed to facilitate this. Should you wish me to rearrange thing slightly to facilitate looping, just PM me and I will be happy to oblige by sending you an altered version. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 11 Delta Time Setting: 240 -Text Analysis- Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (SNES) - Zangief's Stage All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). Legal Information: This song is not to be used for purposes other than personal enjoyment without the express permission of the copyright holder(s) or sequencer ("X"). This file is not to be altered or modified in any way, shape, or form without the express consent or permission of the sequencer. The ripping (copying), altering, or modifying of each individual track is not permissable in any way, shape, or form as well (each track of this song was built from scratch). The uploading of this song to any website without the consent and permission of the copyright holder(s) or sequencer ("X") is also expressly forbidden. Failure to comply with these statements is a violation of copyright law and is considered a criminal act. You have been warned. All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). All track sequencing is provided courtesy of X (Brandon Smith), 2007. Original song composed by Syun Nishigaki and Isao Abe. Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). -Copyright Event Analysis- All tracks sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). This track was sequenced from scratch by X (2007). Original song copyright CAPCOM (1993,1994). -Midi TrackName Analysis- MIDI Information & Copyrights OD-GUITAR CHARANG BRASSEC (R) BRASSEC (L) MID-BRASS M-BOX (R) M-BOX (L) SLAPBASS (R) SLAPBASS (L) PERCUSSION -Instrument Name Analysis- NA Overdrive Guitar LEAD (charang) Brass Section Brass Section Brass Section Music Box Music Box Slap Bass 2 Slap Bass 1 Rock Kit+ (Bass Drum, Rock Snare, Toms, Ride Cymbals, High Hat, Crash Cymbals)