Crazy Cannonade

Game Name: Pac-Man World

md5sum: 01619e875d741048d6ac4624a305b988
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Upload Date and Time: 09/12/2019 13:33:27

Uploaded by:  (tahutoa)

Game System: Sony PlayStation
Game Name: Pac-Man World
Song Title: Crazy Cannonade
Sequenced by: tahutoa
Other Information: It's been a while since I've published a song from this game, huh? Like, literally over a year, I just realized. 
I'd hazard a wager that Kyle Hill will be happy about this being posted. He may even go so far as to come out from his cesspool of hatred and self-entitlement to try and manipulate me into making more PMW tracks again.

Anyways, about the track itself: it definitely didn't take as many man-hours to complete as Ghostly Garden, despite their levels of compression being exactly the same. I believe this is because unlike GG, pretty much all of CC's instruments have their own distinct timbre.
I wasn't initially aware that the accordions were so involved with their harmonies, but since the project I actually started quite soon after completing Creepy Catacombs, I had an idea of how I wanted to format the drums. 
The Hi-Hats unfortunately involved a LOT of guesswork because of the compression, but for what it's worth what I ended up writing down sounds like what I believe it to be, or as close as I could think to get. ...Stupid PS1 compression garbage. The 20th Anniversary of this 20th anniversary game is coming up in literally one month and still no sign of an HQ release for this game's soundtrack.
If I ever met Mr. Tallarico in person, the one thing I would make sure to ask about would be that.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 12
Delta Time Setting: 96

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Crazy Cannonade - Pac-Man World | MIDI by tahutoa
Captain's Hat (909)
Bayline Brush
Boucanier Bass Drums (909)
Scally-wag Snare
SC-55 #2
Any Port Accordion
Newfoundland Wind
Swashbucklin' Bass
Hard-a-Starboard Harp
Sea-going Synvoice
Galley Geetar