Main Deck of The Halberd (2)

Game Name: Kirby Super Star

md5sum: 0191637efc44c1bf3f0f74346122025b


Added by: Suds  Added: 2005-02-11

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/24/2004 23:38:09

Uploaded by:  (Jordan Davenport)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Kirby Super Star
Song Title: Main Deck of The Halberd (2)
Sequenced by: Jordan Davenport
Other Information: 
This has been finished for quite some time, but I
never uploaded it to the New Files. I had previously
posted this in the Music Composition and Critique
board along with an XG version, which should come 
immediately after this. Enjoy!

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 21
Delta Time Setting: 96

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
55 - Synth Voice
55 - Synth Voice
55 - Synth Voice
90 - Pad 2 (warm)
36 - Fretless Bass
Melody and Harmony
Melody and Harmony
Melody and Harmony
Melody and Harmony
26 - TR-808 Set
17 - Power Kit
17 - Power Kit
17 - Power Kit
17 - Power Kit
17 - Power Kit
119 - Synth Drum
17 - Power Kit
Sequenced by: Jordan