Bastard Sword (2)

Game Name: Breath of Fire IV

md5sum: 022c58741cbf3adcaf9dad80124eae3e


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2007-08-30

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 04/25/2007 19:39:19

Uploaded by:  (Francisco Barrera)

Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Breath of Fire IV
Song Title: Bastard Sword (2)
Sequenced by: Aurial
Song Originally Composed by: Yoshino Aoki
Other Information: "The Dragon seek the mumble of silence... dragons move the world... May the Yorae Dragon reflect the course of this flow?" Breath of Fire IV Hero Boss Battle, Bastard Sword.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 16
Delta Time Setting: 96

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