Game Name: Disney's Hercules
md5sum: 0233fb46c390f3b2d0e7e724fe3819d7 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-02-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Merit Celaire) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Disney's Hercules Song Title: Stage 3 - Centaur's Forest (v1.3) Sequenced by: Merit Celaire Originally Composed by: Rob Mounsey Other Information: After so much careful editing to get this very closeto the original song in the game, I have uploaded myFINAL version of "The Centaur's Forest (Stage 3)", asheard on the "Disney's Hercules" game for the SonyPlaystation/IBM-PC. Oh, and my aplolgies to Peach inadvance because I know she has to listen to this least this will be the last time. Midi TrackName Analysis: Flute Introduction Strings (Introduction) Horn (intro) String Melody 1-A String Melody 2 String Melody 1-B String Melody 3 Horn A (main melody) Horn A-2 (main melody) Horn A-3 (main melody) Pizzicato Strings 1 Pizzicato Strings 2 Oboe Bass Guitar 2 Celesta 1 Celesta 2 Celesta 3 Celesta 4 Clarinet 1 String Chords 1 Harp 1 (glissando) String Chords 2 String Chords 3 Harp 2 Piano 1 (lower part) Piano 2 Piano 3-A Piano 3-B Piano 3-C Piano 4 Piano (duplicate melody) 1 Piano (duplicate melody) 2 Piano (duplicate melody) 3 Slap Bass Mute Trumpet Drums A Drums B (bongos) Drums C Drums D (tamborine) Drums F Drums G Drums H "The Centaur's Forest (Stage 3)" (Version 1.3) FROM THE GAME: Disney's Hercules (Sony Playstation/IBM-PC versions) ORIGINAL COMPOSER: Rob Mounsey MIDI ARRANGEMENT SEQUENCED BY: Merit Celaire EMAIL COMMENTS TO: