Move It, Boy!

Game Name: Pizza Tower

md5sum: 046a23cbdcdb4390587d7332f4b98ebf


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Upload Date and Time: 07/24/2023 22:34:58

Uploaded by:  (gochoingles)

Game System: Windows
Game Name: Pizza Tower
Song Title: Move It, Boy!
Sequenced by: gochoingles
Other Information: Composed by Mr. Sauceman.

This song was supposed to be used for a character select screen, however, it was cut from the final release, alongside all the playable characters other than Peppino.

It is possible that The Noise will return as a playable character in a future update, but this hasn't happened yet at the time of writing.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 24
Delta Time Setting: 128

-Text Analysis-

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Bitcrushed organ
So-called static
Bitcrushed organ 2
Bitcrushed gunshot
"Move it, boi!"
Bitcrushed scratches
Bitcrushed hi-hats
Bitcrushed snare (yeah, sure)
Bitcrushed synth bass
Bitcrush squared
Drum: Bass and scratch
Drum: So-called snare (it's actually a snare and a clap)
Drum: Breath
Drum: The hi-hats
Drum: Cymbal
Orchestra hit
Roland slap bass no. 2
Some kind of chiffy orchestra hit.
Square wave
Brass (backs the orch. hit)
Brass 2
Polysynth 2

-Marker Analysis-