Game Name: Chrono Trigger
md5sum: 0534f7f23445379bcd69a46b78a6a7a5 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-02-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Jarel Jones) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Chrono Trigger Song Title: Battle (5) Sequenced by: Jarel Jones Originally Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda Other Information: My first CT midi. :)Please use a decent sound card to listen to this. No Wingroove allowed as it uses Choir Aahs. Midi TrackName Analysis: By Yasunori Mitsuda, Remixed by Jarel Jones Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Drums Cymbals Synth Bass Slap Bass Choir Aahs 1 Choir Aahs 2 Pan Flute 1 Pan Flute 2 Vibraphone