Game Name: Suikoden 2
md5sum: 0632653089e736313e5a9caa7722abbf by: Daniel Lawrence Added: 2009-04-19 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 01/22/2009 08:28:28 Uploaded by: (Paul Soh AKA UDeepEX) Proxied for: Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Suikoden 2 Song Title: Gregminster Palace - "A Song In Praise of Peace" Sequenced by: Paul Soh AKA UDeepEX Other Information: Finished on the 22nd January 9:25 GMT+8. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 10 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Text Analysis- Miki Higashino Done by Paul AKA Lord UDeep VG Music Duration of Sequencing: 2 Hours Overview of Tracks are as follows. -Midi TrackName Analysis- Genso Suikoden II: A Song in Praise of Peace Gregminster Palace Bass Strings Percussions Timpani Clarinet Strings Strings Piccolo Harp Military Bass Drums