Game Name: Final Fantasy 8
md5sum: 07c85049bfee1ad1a9f19bc7599a1e30 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-02-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Joshua Kaufman) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Final Fantasy 8 Song Title: Slide Show (Part 2) (2) Sequenced by: Joshua Kaufman Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Other Information: This is based on the piano version arranged by Asoko Niwa, published by DoReMi. Midi TrackName Analysis: Based on the version of the music published by DoReMi, arranged by Asoko Niwa. -Joshua TerraEpon ICQ: 5404138 Plagerism is a crime. Do NOT take credit for this or any other piece of mine. You may put this piece on any page, so long as you Slide Show part 2 from Final Fantasy 8 sequenced by Joshua NOT add this to any public page without notifying me