Forbidden Land

Game Name: Final Fantasy III (Japan)

md5sum: 0b29371d85805f1a62d38d3127a6e7ac


Added by: Chiba  Added: 1999-06-15

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (AmberR)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Nintendo
Game Name: Final Fantasy III (Japan)
Song Title: Forbidden Land
Sequenced by: Amber Ritchie
Song Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu

Other Information: Amazing what I do when I'm bored.. enjoy this. ^_^ (I thought the echo was cool... :) )

Midi TrackName Analysis:

YAnother spark of inspiration... this is one of my all-time favorite songs from FF3j, and I figured I should make a midi out of i
It's meant to be a remix... not necessarily note-for-note of the original


Natie ^_^



Benny, Andy, Firehawk, BaYaRd, and the rest of the vgmusic ring crew

and anyone else I may have forgotten.