
Game Name: Super V. G (Japan)

md5sum: 0f8467f064de37ce18038d6249352914



Added by: Suds  Added: 2002-09-06

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/T_AVGFighter_Ending.mid
Upload Date and Time: 08/04/2002 14:55:44

Uploaded by:  (Tsu Ryu and Takeuchi Yuka)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Super V. G (Japan)
Song Title: Ending 
Sequenced by: Tsu Ryu & Takeuchi Yuka
Song Original Composed by: TGL Soundteam of Japan 1995
Other Information: Okay so there is a big error with the game name.Not being 'Super Advanced Virgin Girl Fighter'because the ROM I picked up of this game hadthe name terribly incorrect.. The title screen would read 'Super V.G' as Malice X stated it in his upload.( Thank you Malice X! Good job on the Intro song as well! ^_^ ) This is slightly arranged version of the song madefor GM and SBLIVE users alike.Though this is a great game compared to the SNESStreet Fighter games! But I still wonder whythere aren't that much Variable Geo MIDIs out there or maybe the game popularity is slowly disappearing..? This song data was created on:     [- 08 : 04 : 02 -]    [- 2:56 PM -]Note:Permission via E-mail for editorial or remixing usage must gained!.Enjoy this MIDI Data! ^_^

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 15
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Midi TrackName Analysis-

-Copyright Event Analysis-
TGL/GIGA of Japan 1995

-Sequence Name Analysis-
Ending Theme [ v1.00 ] -= Super Variable Geo =- Sequenced to MIDI by Tsu Ryu and Takeuchi Yuka
Ending Theme
Super Virgin Girl Fighter: Variable Geo
Super Famicom System
Originally Composed by TGL/GIGA of Japan 1995
Sequenced to MIDI by Tsu Ryu and Takeuchi Yuka - Kibegami 2002