Chemical Plant Zone (14)

Game Name: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

md5sum: 1153aa4aa81500286b0e896dd678a185
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Added by: Daniel Lawrence  Added: 2004-02-03

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 10/31/2003 11:20:37

Uploaded by:  (Cryogen Glacien)

Game System: Sega Genesis
Game Name: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Song Title: Chemical Plant Zone (14)
Sequenced by: Cryogen Glacien
Other Information: 
Everyone and their mother has sequenced this one
(according to a #vgmusic chatter), so I figured...
why the hell not? It turned out a lot better than
I expected too. Happy Halloween everyone!

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 16
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Chords 1 (Harmonica)
Chords 2 (Harmonica)
Extras (Bass and Lead)
Melody (Baritone Sax)
Melody 1/16 Echo
Melody 1/8 Echo (Baritone Sax)
Slap Bass (Slap Bass 1)
Deep Bass (Synth Bass 2)
Track 7
Backbeat (Fretless Bass)
Percussion (GM Kit)
Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic 2
Sequenced to MIDI by Cryogen Glacien on 10/31/03
Email me at:  one at all...will egg the ever-loving crap out of your house...*snicker*" --Strong Bad.
Happy Halloween!