Unwavering Courage

Game Name: Breath of Fire IV

md5sum: 1228b9a143e69fd2939920d012018bde



Added by: Mark Jansen  Added: 2001-08-16

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/unw_cour.mid

Upload Date and Time: 06/21/2001 15:10:39

Uploaded by:  (Chief Ug)

File Type: MIDI

Game System: Sony Playstation

Game Name: Breath of Fire IV

Song Title: Unwavering Courage

Sequenced by: Chief Ug  Originally Composed by: 

Other Information: 

 A small MIDI which is playable but nothing great. Play the original instead, much nicer.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

 First MIDI I have done in a LONG time. And it turned out quite mediocre. Sorry about that. 

Unwavering Courage

from Breath of Fire 4

Sequenced by:

Chief Ug