Fokkerwolf Battle Theme

Game Name: Mega Man Legends

md5sum: 132a50dc963687a42dd298a09e774a98


Added by: Pong64  Added: 2001-02-09

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (Brandon Lee Ritter)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Mega Man Legends
Song Title: Fokkerwolf Battle Theme
Sequenced by: SCT  Information: 

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Re-sequenced and DESIGNED for ---GM--- by SCT

Parts of this song are so "randomized" that it's not even worth

"bothering" to make it thE EXACT same, ^^ but it's not a bad

"remix" :P ^^ 

ugh.  . . . . . :P now that I've finnaly finished this midi,

I think this is my WORST yet ^^ 

Bass combo1
Bass combo2
Bass combo rvrb 1
Bass combo rvrb 2
Multiple Patches 1
Multiple Patches 1 revrb
String Roll
String Roll rvrb
Misc. Sound
     "Theme of the Fokkerwolf Battle" - DESIGNED for GM - Mega Man Legends
      Questions/Comments Welcome!