Map (Remix)

Game Name: Bump 'n' Burn!

md5sum: 14cfaa46f064fd18c14e9fae489d680d


Added by: Pongball  Added: 2002-09-04

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/07/2002 11:26:10

Uploaded by:  &  (B1itz Lunar & Daniel Lawrence)

Game System: Commodore Amiga
Game Name: Bump 'n' Burn!
Song Title: Map (Remix)
Sequenced by: B1itz Lunar & Daniel Lawrence
Other Information: OK here's the story.  Last night, B1itz told me about his new song he had just uploaded.  I gave it a listen, and it was cool.  I asked him if he was going to remix it, and he said he was hoping that I would do it!  I said I'd give it a try.  Well I have been working on it over the day, and I've now got it finished.  So here's my remix of B1itz's sequence.  I hope you like it.p.s. - It's not so Jean Michel Jarre sounding now is it!?--Dan.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 9
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Midi TrackName Analysis-

-Sequence Name Analysis-
"Map" Remix from Bump 'N' Burn
Originally sequenced by:
B1itz Lunar. This remix by:
Daniel Lawrence.   yo massive, we're talking
big things here baby!  Booooom!

-Instrument Name Analysis-
GM Device  1
GM Device  2
GM Device  4
GM Device 10
GM Device  7
GM Device  8
GM Device 11
GM Device 13