Game Name: Truxton II
md5sum: 150fbbba4a191a96e41931f0d6216368 by: Pong64 Added: 2001-03-26 File URL is Uploaded by: (Leigh Hanrihan) File Type: MIDI Game System: Arcade Game Name: Truxton II Song Title: I Defend STM (V2.0) Sequenced by: J. B. Originally Composed by: Yuge Masanori Other Information: This piece should work better with QuickTime than the first version. Midi TrackName Analysis: Kick Snare1 Snare2 Tom Hi-Hat Crash Clap SFX-Proxy Bs. Bs.+ Harpsi. Harpsi. Harpsi. Seq. Lead1 Lead2 Lead2 Harpsi.+&Echo Harpsi.+&Echo Harpsi.+&Echo Lead1+&Echo Lead2+&Echo Lead2+&Echo