Fear Factory

Game Name: Donkey Kong Country

md5sum: 187b192309d34c593ef65c22ef39e656



Added by: Princess Peach Toadstool  Added: 1998-09-07

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/dkcoil1.mid

Uploaded by:  (Andreas and Savas Oulassoglou)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Donkey Kong Country  
Song Title: Fear Factory
Sequenced by: Andreas and Savas Oulassoglou  Information:  The midi was created from the music in KremkrocIndustries Inc. The stages "Oil drum Alley" and " Blackout Basement". Wewould like to thank John Frensley for uploading the midi.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Copyright 1998 by Andreas & Savas Oulassoglou
Acoustic Grand Piano
Bottle Blow
FX 5 (Brightness)
String Ensemble 1
FX 2 (Soundtrack)
Acoustic Grand Piano
Pad 7 (Halo)
Acoustic Grand Piano
Pad 7 (Halo)
Pad 2  "Oil Drum Alley"
Sequenced By:
Andreas & Savas Oulassoglou