Escape Chute

Game Name: Bucky O'Hare

md5sum: 18e313c253cc7a1c7bab323a652ab2bd
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Added by: Pong64  Added: 2001-04-19

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Uploaded by:  (Pongball)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Nintendo
Game Name: Bucky O'Hare
Song Title: Escape Chute
Sequenced by: Pongball  Information: 
I really have no idea if this is the correct name for the song.  I found it on the NSF, and I recognized the song.  I just couldn't remember which part of the game it played in.  If you know where this song is from, please email me at   Thanks.
(Name fixed. -Pongball)

Midi TrackName Analysis: