Game Name: Breath of Fire 2
md5sum: 1ab36d7d11cbddc292d580845801ffe8 by: Pong64 Added: 2001-03-26 File URL is Uploaded by: (Joe Schwebke) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Breath of Fire 2 Song Title: Dream Land - "Sleeping Beauty" Sequenced by: Jormungand Information: Shame on me, I still do not know who composed the music for Breath of Fire II. Perhaps in time, I'll find out... Midi TrackName Analysis: "Dream Land" from Breath of Fire II Couldn't find the original composer(s)! But whoever it/they is/are, they deserve a lot of credit for the Breath of Fire II soun Oboe Flute Strings 1 Strings 2 Bass Percussion Harp "Dream Land" from Breath of Fire II Sequenced by Joe