Glyde Runn-In Aftermath

Game Name: Misadventures Of Tron Bonne! , The

md5sum: 1af0fe781b235a48cad1696164405458


Added by: Pongball  Added: 2002-02-11

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 07/14/2001 12:36:55

Uploaded by:  (Brandon Lee Ritter )

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Misadventures Of Tron Bonne! , The
Song Title: Glyde Runn-In Aftermath
Sequenced by: SCT  Information: Sooooo Sad!!!  ^_____^

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Re-sequenced for GM by SCT

I got my PS1 screen so I'll be doing more midis!!  YAAAAAAY!!! ^______^

What can I say? . . .    This is what I'll always be,   Liz . . . 

Bass 2
Not a Bass
Treble's Bass
Bass's Treble
Tron beating the $#%$ out of one of her Kobuns for messing with the TNA  - *WAAAAAAAA!!!!* ^_____^
    "Teisel Beaten in Nakai Desert" - The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
     Questions/Comments Welcome!!! :)