Prologue - "The Tale of the 16 Sacrifices"

Game Name: Shadow of the Colossus

md5sum: 1cb60bf150acf18da523c7fa81019535


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2007-09-04

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 05/02/2007 18:59:38

Uploaded by:  (Xald Balghostriped)

Game System: Piano Only - Sony Playstation 2
Game Name: Shadow of the Colossus
Song Title: Prologue - "The Tale of the 16 Sacrifices"
Sequenced by: Xald Balghostriped
Song Originally Composed by: Kow Otani
Other Information: Piano Arrangement by Xald Balghostriped

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 2
Delta Time Setting: 1024

-Midi TrackName Analysis-