Game Name: Street Fighter Alpha 2
md5sum: 1cbb9a203d3f307400dbe79f02654412 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-02-06 File URL is Uploaded by: (Ryu Hokoru) Game System: Arcade Game Name: Street Fighter Alpha 2 Song Title: "The Power of Two" Ryu and Sakura Medley (v1.5) Sequenced by: Ryu Hokoru Information: Midi TrackName Analysis: Voice Brass Synth no.1 Brass Section Synth Vibraphone Strings Bass Synth no.2 Snare/ Bass Drums vibraphones Strings Drum accomp. Voice Poly Synth Poly Synth Lead Saw F.Bass Orchestra Smash Bass Drum Mix Drum Mix Drum no.2 Accomp. Guitar Accomp. Voice ------------------------------------------ "The Power of Two" The Ryu and Sakura Theme (Medley) ----------------------------------------------- Rearanged by Sakura Hokoru Originally Sequenced by Ryu hokoru Original SFA2 Music by Capcom (tm) ------------------------------------------------ SFA2 Remix version 1.5 (((( IN STEREO )))) ----------------------------------------------- This song is dedicated to my girlfriend, Sakura.. Where ever you are. I hope you can hear me. - Ryu Karin Hokoru - ------------------------------------------------