Game Name: King of Fighters '99, The
md5sum: 1d2e25d6eb53485aa10b9dc22c9e9e69 by: Pong64 Added: 2000-08-27 File URL is Uploaded by: (Kyo Kusanagi) File Type: MIDI Game System: Arcade Game Name: King of Fighters '99, The Song Title: Japan Team (Esaka) Other Information: Midi TrackName Analysis: Bass Ovr.Guitar S.String String.E G.Harmonics Charang Square Metallic Main Drum Kit BIG BEAT SECTION BIG BEAT SECTION BIG BEAT SECTION Ovr.Guitar Choir Choir Brightness Rain French Horn Theme of Kyo Kusanagi Kof Series (SNK) <AKA Big Beat Version> Squence & Instruments were arranged by AKA......... In Yamaha XGlite.