Illusionary Dance

Game Name: Castlevania Dracula X

md5sum: 1e397b6a17a61d354103343ab28ea302


Added by: Pong64  Added: 2001-02-09

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Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Castlevania Dracula X
Song Title: Illusionary Dance
Sequenced by: Jorge D. Fuentes  Information: I don't know who is the original composer.  Also, this music piece is found on MANY games.  They are:  DraculaX-Rondo of Blood (PC Engine), Castlevania-DraculaX (SNES), Castlevania-Symphony of the Night (PSX), Castlevania64 (N64), and Castlevania-Legacy of Darkness (N64).
You might have to copy the file.  It's essentially the same piece, not much changes between platforms.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
1.  Double Strings
2.  Brass Echoes & Organ
3.  Brass & Organ
4.  Bass Strings & Brass
5.  Timpani 1
6.  Timpani 2
7.  Other Voices 1
8.  Other Voices 2
9.  Other Voices 3
10.  Other Voices 4
11.  Percussion 1