Game Name: Breath of Fire 2
md5sum: 1f21a21b355880228b57f2d2c301634e by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-04-18 File URL is Uploaded by: (Zero_X0) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Breath of Fire 2 Song Title: Grand Church - "Decadence of God" (2) Sequenced by: DoctorJ & Zero X0 Other Information: I edited this, as it seemed a bit offkey, it still does in some places...but fixing that would require a resequence(which I cannot do)Perhaps someone will resequence it someday, good song, just needed a couple o changesThanks for lettin me upload this DoctorJ^_^Yes, I am an anime freak! BWAHAH! FEAR MY ANIME SMILEY!^___________^Okay I'll stop now ^^' Midi TrackName Analysis: CAPCOM breath of fire 2 "decadence of god" sequenced by